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Научни известия / Институт по математика и информатика – БАН


  1. Спиридонова, Маргарита, Ив. Димовски. Подход на операционното смятане за получаване на периодични и средно-периодични решения на линейни обикновени диференциални уравнения с постоянни коефициенти, декември 2022 - англ. ез. (Секции: Анализ, геометрия и топология; Временно научно звено Информационно моделиране)


  1. Рашков, Петър. Анализ на апостериорната грешка за апроксимация с редуциран базис на две параболични задачи за растеж на тумори. София, март 2021, 33 с. - текстът е на англ. ез. с резюме на бълг. и англ. ез. (Секция Математическо моделиране и числен анализ)


  1. XХХ
  2. Лазаров, Борислав. Относно математическите знания и умения в контекста на международните програми за оценяване на постиженията по математика. София, юли 2019, 18 с. (Секция Образование по математика и информатика)


  1. Ivanov, Tihomir B., Gergana V. Velikova. Monod-type models with nonlinear birth rate. Sofia, December 2017 (Section Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis)


  1. Gadjev, Ivan. Weighted approximation by Meyer-Konig and Zeller operators. Sofia, March 2015, 6 p. (Section Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis)
  2. Kutev, N.; N. Kolkovska; M. Dimitrova. Revised concavity method and applications to nonlinear dispersive equations. Sofia, June 2015, 9 p. (Section Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis)
  3. Markov, Svetoslav. A Complete Axiomatization of Kaucher Interval Arithmetic. Sofia, November 2015, 24 p. (Section Biomathematics)


  1. Davidov, Johann. Twistorial construction of minimal hypersurfaces. Sofia, February 2014, 16 p. (Section Analysis, Geometry Topology)
  2. Davidov, Johann. Normality of the twistor space of a S-manifold with an irreducible SO(3)-structure. Sofia, March, 2014, 27 p. (Section Analysis, Geometry, Topology)
  3. Davidov, J.; A. Ul Haq; O. Mushkarov. Harmonic proper almost complex structures on Walker 4-manifolds. Sofia, October, 2014, 10 p. (Section Analysis, Geometry,Topology)



  1. Borisov, Milen K. BifTools : Maple Package for Bifurcation Analysis of Dynamical System. Sofia, November 2012, 35 p. (Section Biomathematics)
  2. Ivanov, Tihomir Bogoslovov [Mentor Assoc.Prof. Neli Dimitrova]. On a Predator-Prey Type Model. Sofia, November 2012, 24 p. (Section Biomathematics)

Препринти, издавани от Института по математика и информатика - БАН


  1. Dimovski, Ivan H.; Yulian Ts. Tsankov. Three-dimensional operational calculi for nonlocal evolution boundary value problems. Sofia, February 2011, 13 p. (Section Complex Analysis)
  2. Dimovski, Ivan H.; Yulian Ts. Tsankov. Exact solutions of nonlocal BVPs for the two-dimensional heat equation. Sofia, February 2011, 15 p. (Section Complex Analysis)
  3. Dimovski, Ivan H.; Yulian Ts. Tsankov. Multivariate operational calculi for nonlocal boundary value problems for evolution equations. Sofia, July 2011, 18 p. (Section Complex Analysis)
  4. Bajlekova, Emilia. Fractional evolution equations in Banach spaces. Sofia, 2011, 12 p. (Section Analysis, Geometry and Topology)
  5. Kiryakova, Virginia. The classical special functions and the special functions of fractional calculus as G-and H-functions. Sofia, 2011, 71 p. (Section Analysis, Geometry, Topology)
  6. Rusev, Peter. Classical Hermite and Laguerre polynomials and zero-distribution of Riemann’s dzeta function. Sofia, September 2011, 15 p. (Section Analysis, Geometry, Topology)
  7. Popova, E. Explicit description of AE solution sets to parametric linear systems. Sofia, December 2011, 17 p. (Section Biomathematics)
  8. Apostolova, L. N. Square roots of bicomplex number and quadratic equation of bicomplex variable. Sofia, December 2011, 17 p. (Section Analysis, Geometry and Topology)


  1. Dimovski, Ivan H.; Yulian Ts. Tsankov. Explicit solutions of Bitsadze-Samarski problem and its generalizations. Sofia, February 2010, 22 p. (Section Complex Analysis)
  2. Dimovski, Ivan; Margarita Spiridonova. Operational calculus approach to nonlocal Cauchy problems. Sofia, February 2010, 20 p. (Section Complex Analysis; Section Artificial Intelligence)
  3. Popova, E.; W. Kramer; M. Russev. Integration of C-XSC automatic differentiation in Mathematica. Sofia, March 2010, 24 p. (Section of Biomathematics)



  1. Garloff, J.; E. Popova; A. Smith. Solving linear systems with polynomial parameter dependency. Sofia, January 2009, 18 p. (Section of Biomathematics)
  2. Pashkouleva, Donka. Certain classes of functions with negative coefficients. Sofia, April 2009, 10 p. (Section Complex Analysis)


  1. Bogdanova, G.; T. Todorov; T. Pagkou. New equidistant constant weight codes over alphabet of three, four and five elements. Sofia, October 2008, 13 p. (MFI)
  2. Dimovski, Ivan H.; Valentin Z. Hristov. Nonlocal operational calculi for Dunkl operators . Sofia, November 2008, 16 p. (Section Complex Analysis)
  3. Apostolova, L. N. Meromorphic functions on the two-dimensional complex torus with prescribed value on two generating torus . Sofia, December 2008, 6 p. (Section Complex Analysis)



  1. Popova, Evgenija D. Explicit characterization of a class of parametric solution sets. Sofia, July 2007, 10 p. (Section of Biomathematics)
  2. Pashkouleva, Donka. Certain classes of functions with positive and missing Coefficients. Sofia, November 2007, 9 p. (Section Complex Analysis)
  3. Apostolova, Lilia N., Stancho Dimiev. Double-complex Laplace operator. Sofia, December 2007, 16 p. (Section Complex Analysis)


  1. Апостолова, Лилия; Калин Петров. Деформации на неутрални почти Келерови многообразия (на английски език). София, септември 2006, 8 с. (Секция Комплексен анализ)
  2. Буюклиев, Илия. Класификация на грийсмърови кодове и дуална трансформация (на английски език). София, 2006, 52 с. (МОИ)



  1. Апостолова, Лилия; Калин Петров. Теорема за простите числа, Гама и Дзета функции (на англ. език). София, август 2005, 14 с. (Секция Комплексен анализ)
  2. Димовски, Иван; Валентин Христов. Комутанти на оператора на Ойлер и съответни средно-периодични функции (на англ. език). София, септември 2005, 19 с. (Секция Комплексен анализ)
  3. Попова, Евгения. Решаване на линейни системи, чийто коефициенти са рационални функции на интервални параметри (на англ. език). София, 2005 (Секция Биоматематика)


  1. Буюклиев, Илия. За двоичните проективни линейни кодове с размерност 6 (на англ. език). София, Юни 2004, 18 с. (МОИ)
  2. Димовски, Иван; Валентин Христов. Комутанти на оператора на Помие (на англ. език). София, Юни 2004, 12 с. (Секция Комплексен анализ)


  1. Fabricant, A.; N. Kutev; T. Rangelov. Maximum principle for linear second order elliptic equations in divergence form. Sofia, July 2003, 27 p. (IMI)
  2. Tomov, Nikolay. On the dating of the Ugarit solar eclipse. Sofia, July 2003, 12 p. (Education in Mathematics and Informatics Section)
  3. Николов, Гено. Неравенства от тип на Дафин и Шефер II (на англ. език). София, Октомври 2003, 15 с. (Секция Математическо моделиране)
  4. Dabnishki, Aleksandar Aleksandrov. On the psycho-linguistic basis of teaching mathematics in English. Sofia, December 2003, 38 p. (Section of Education)


  1. Karadzhov, G. E.; M. Milman. Extrapolation theory: new results and applications. Sofia, June 2002, 44 p. (Section of Differential Equations)


  1. Табов, Йордан. Няколко хронологични проблема в “Историята” на Лъв Дякон. София, Юли 2001, 8 с. (Секция Образование по математика и информатика)
  2. Ivanova, Lilia Ivanova. Interpolation by rational functions and uniform distribution of points . Sofia, July 2001, 17 p. (Section of Complex Analysis)


  1. Rusev, Peter. Notes on Jonquiere polynomials. Sofia, October 2000, 14 p. (Section of Complex Analysis)
  2. Markov, Svetoslav. On the algebra of errors and intervals. Sofia, December 2000, 41 p. (Section Biomathematics)


  1. Табов, Йордан. Когда жили святые братъя Кирилл и Мефодий? София, януари 1999, 22 с. (секция Образование по математика и информатика)
  2. Nikolov, Nikolai. Continuity and boundary behaviour of the Caratheodory metrics. Sofia, January 1999, 11 p. (Section of Complex Analysis)
  3. Nikolov, Nikolai. Stability and boundary behavior of the Kobayashi metrics. Sofia, May 1999, 8 p. (Section of Complex Analysis)
  4. Fabricant; A., M. Marinov; T. Rangelov. Estimates for nonlinear parabolic equations. Sofia, July 1999, 21 p. (Section of Mathematical Physics)


  1. Златева, Н., Милен Иванов. Върху неравенството на Кларк-Людяев (на английски език). София. 1998, 10 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
  2. Iliev, Oleg P. A proof of 2ND order pointwise convergencre for a finite volume scheme for a class of interface problems with piecewise constant coefficients. Sofia, June 1998,14 p. (IMI)
  3. Илиев, Олег. Блочно разцепване..... ИМИ, София, 1998 (препринтът не е предоставен в библиотеката)
  4. Sidorov, Milosh; Emil Kelevedzhiev. Dating of Pliska’s rosette. Sofia, December 1998, 14 p. (Section of Education in Mathematics and Informatics)


  1. Chipchakov, Ivan. On the residue fields of Henselian valued……Sofia, 1997(препринтът не е предоставен в библиотеката)
  2. Popova, Evgenija D. Generalized interval distributive relations. Sofia, February 1997, 18 p. (Section Biomathematics)
  3. Iliiev, Oleg. On second order accurate discretization of 3D elliptic equations with discontinuous coefficients and its fast solution by multigrid method with a pointwise smoother. Sofia, 1997 (препринтът не е предоставен в библиотеката)
  4. Илиев, Олег. Диференчна схема от втори ред….. София, 1997 (препринтът не е предоставен в библиотеката)


  1. Kiryakova, Virginia S. All the special functions are fractional differintegrals of elementary functions. Sofia, January 1996, 25 p. (Dep. Complex Analysis Section)
  2. Tzvetkov, Nickolay. Existence of global solutions to nonlinear Massles Dirac system and wave equation with small data. Sofia, February 1996, 16 p. (Section of Mathematical Physics)
  3. Gateva-Ivanova, Tatiana. Skew polynomial rings with binomial relations. Sofia, February 1996, 53 p. (Section of Algebra)
  4. Iliev, Valentin Vankov. A generalization of Polya enumeration theorem or the secret life of certain index sets. Sofia, February 1996, 13 p. (Section of Algebra)
  5. Gonzalo, Raquel; Rumen Maleev. Smooth functions in Orlicz function spaces. Sofia, March 1996, 9 p. (Dep. of  Mathematical Modelling)
  6. Rahimov, Ibrahim; George Yanev. On a maximal sequence associated with simple branching processes. Sofia, August 1996, 14 p. (Section of Probability and Statistics)
  7. Milev, Lozko; Geno Nikolov. On the inequality of I. Schur. Sofia, August 1996, 14 p. (Dep. of Numerical Analysis)
  8. Apostolov, Vestislav. Generalized Goldberg-Sachs theorems for pseudo-Riemannian four-manifolds. Sofia, September 1996, 16 p. (Dep. of Complex Analysis)
  9. Stoimenova, Evgenia. Evaluating the risk in selection of the t best populations. Sofia, September 1996, 20 p. (Computer Stochastics Laboratory)
  10. Nikolov, Nikolai. Weighted limit of the Caratheodory metric in a h-extendible boundary point. Sofia, November 1996, 9 p. (Dep. of Complex Analysis)


  1. Миланов, Петър. Прагови матроиди (на англ.език). София. 1995 (препринтът не е предоставен в библиотеката)
  2. Angelov, V. G. On the black body oscillator equation. Sofia, January 1995, 12 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
  3. Iliev, Valentin Vankov. On certain systems of generators of infinite symmetric and alternating droups. Sofia, February 1995, 9 p. (Section of Algebra)
  4. Kolev, Nikolai; Leda Minkova. Discrete distributions related to success runs of Length K in a multi-state Markov chain. Sofia, February 1995, 16 p. (Lab.of Computational Stochastics)
  5. Kostova, Tanya V. Oscillations in an age-dependent model with a dominant age class. Sofia, March 1995, 22 p. (IMI)
  6. One Hundred-Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences : Scientific Session of Bulgarian Operations Research Society and Dep. of Operations Research. Sofia, November 1994. Abstracts. Sofia, March 1995, 14 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
  7. Boshnakov, G. The asymptotic covariance matrix of multivariate serial correlations. Sofia, April 1995, 8 p. (Computer Stochastics Laboratory)
  8. Kovacheva, Ralitza K. Zeros of Pade error functions for functions with smooth Maclaurin coefficients. Sofia, April 1995, 18 p. (Dep.of Complex Analysis)
  9. Bozhinov, N. S. Root function expansion of the nonlocal sturm-Liouville problem. Sofia, April 1995, 31 p. (Dep. of Complex Analysis)
  10. Kovacheva, Ralitza K. On a theorem of Blatt. Sofia, May 1995, 8 p. (Dep.of Complex Analysis)
  11. Yanev, N.; S. Balev. A combinatorial approach to the classification problem. Sofia, May 1995, 12 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
  12. Nikolov, G. On certain Duffin and Schaeffer type inequalities. Sofia, June 1995, 16 p. (Dep. of Numerical Analysis)
  13. XXXXXX
  14. Entchev, P. B. Numerical investigation of solid-solid phase change problem. Sofia, July 1995, 23 p. (Lab. On Numerical Methods)
  15. Gonska, Heinz H.; Ralitza K.Kovacheva. An analogue of Montel’s theorem to some rational approximating functions. IMI, Sofia, August 1995, 12 p.
  16. Illiev, Atanas. Minimal sections of conic bundles. Sofia, October 1995, 24 p. (Section of Algebra)
  17. Illiev, Atanas. The fiber of the Griffiths map for the non-hyperelliptic Fano threefolds of genus 6. Sofia, October 1995, 52 p. (Section of Algebra)


  1. Zhivkov, N. V. Densely two-valued metric projections in uniformly convex Banach spaces. Sofia, May 1994, 15 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
  2. Slavtchova-Bojkova, Maroussia N.; Nikolay M. Yanev. Limit theorems for age-dependent branching processes with state-dependent immigration. Sofia, July 1994, 19 p. (Dep. of Probability and Statistics)
  3. Ivanov, R. P.; N. M. Kitanov. Directional continuity and upper semi-continuity in differential inclusions. Sofia, August 1994, 8 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
  4. Ivanov, Radostin Petrov. Differential inclusions with upper semicontinuous right-hand side. Sofia, August 1994, 13 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
  5. Ivanov, R. P.; P. M. Kitanov. A boundary value problem with a finite number of impulses. Sofia, September 1994, 8 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
  6. Kerbashev, Tzvetozar. B. A refinement of a local limit theorem for a branching process conditioned on the total progeny. Sofia, October 1994, 18 p. (Dep. of Probability and Statistics)
  7. Apostolov, Vestislav; Johann Davidov; Oleg Muskarov. Compact self-dual Nermitian surfaces. Sofia, November 1994, 18 p. (Dep. of Complex Analysis)
  8. Apostolova, Lilia N. Conditions for local integrability of systems of m smooth complex vector fields on m+1 dimensional real cartesian space. Sofia, November 1994, 9 p. (Dep. of Complex Analysis)
  9. Boshnakov, Georgi. Bartlett’s formulae—closed forms and recurrent equations. Sofia, November 1994, 17 p. (Computer Stochastics Laboratory)
  10. Iliev, Oleg P; Mikhail M. Makarov. A block – matrix iterative numerical method for coupled solving 2D Navier-Stokes equations. Sofia, December 1994, 16 p.


  1. Yanev, George P.; Nickolay M. Yanev. On critical branching migration processes with predominating emigration. Sofia, May 1993, 37 p. (Dep. of Probability and Statistics)
  2. Davidov, Johann; Oleg Muskarov ; Gueo Grantcharov. Kahler curvature identities for twistor spaces. Sofia, 1993, 7 p. (Dep. of Complex Analysis)
  3. Zhivkov, N. V. Compacta with dense ambiguous Loci of metric projections and antiprojections. Sofia, July 1993, 10 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
  4. Zhivkov, N. V. Peano continua generating densely multivalued metric projections. Sofia, July 1993, 13 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
  5. Kirov, Nikolai K.; Tatiana V. Parchomenko. Chaotic attractor reconstruction and applications in astronomy. Sofia, July 1993, 9 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
  6. Дончев, А. Л.; П. Ст. Кендеров. Българското присъствие на страниците на реферативното списание Mathematical Reviews. Sofia, July 1993, 10 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
  7. Barov, S.; G. Dimov; St. Nedev. Some remarks on a theorem of N.-J. Schmidt. Sofia, July 1993, 22 p. (Dep. of Topology)
  8. Димовски, Иван Христов. Нелокальные операционные исчисления. София, Август 1993, 17 с. (Секция Комплексного анализа)
  9. Karadzhov, G.E. Riesz summability of multiple Hermite series in L” spaces. Sofia, October 1993, 16 p. (Dep. Differential Equations)
  10. Georgiev, P.; D. Kutzarova; A. Maaden. On the smooth drop property. Sofia, October 1993, 13 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
  11. Georgiev, Pando. Submonotone mappings in Banach spaces and applications. Sofia, October 1993,. 32 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
  12. Karadzhov, G.E. Equisummability of multiple Hermite series. Sofia, October 1993, 24 p. (Dep. of Differential Equations)
  13. Karadzhov, G. E. Riesz summability of multiple Hermite series. Sofia, October 1993, 40 p. (Dep. of Differenrial Equations)
  14. Georgiev, Pando; Nadia Zlateva. Second-order subdifferentials of C’’’functions and optimality conditions. Sofia, October 1993, 22 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
  15. Todorov, Maxim Ivanov. Kuratowski convergence of the efficient sets in the parametric linear vector semi-infinite optimization. Sofia, November 1993, 14 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)